16 February, 2010


I am a child of the digital age, and I warmly embrace this fact. I also live and breathe journalism.

That said, my birthday is coming up, and I have some work-related wants. Make a note of it.*

Canon EF 50 mm f/1.8 lens

Olympus digital voice recorder with USB interface. There are several models. I'm not picky, as long as sound quality is good.

What's not to love about alphabet ice?

Newspaper wallet. To go with the newspaper tote bag @sharongracepjs gave me for my 24th birthday.

Some of the items inspired by this wish list for journalists.

Also, I hear we can make directories of our wants at wishtracker.net.

*I'm kidding. I don't expect anyone to buy these things for me. I'll probably beat you to it.


J said...

That lens makes my heart warm. :D

Wonder if it's compatible with my lovely Canon? I doubt it, though... Sigh... Not a whole lot is compatible with my older Canon.

I kinda want the Canon to break or something so I can weasel a new one... Maybe even a Nikon and get some awesomefantasticsuperspecialamazing lens for it. ;)

Happy early birthday. :D

The Campbells said...

Excellent choices on the electronics. J has that recorder and I had (and loved) that lens before upgrading to the f/1.4.

The Campbells said...

Oh, and Jennifer, that lens is compatible with any Canon lens mount. If you've got a Canon, it will work. It's the EF-S lenses that don't work on all Canon cameras. (I have a very old film camera, had a first generation Rebel and now a higher end Canon and they all fit that lens.)